
Diving adds a new job/mechanic for collecting items. Players can buy their diving gear and go diving to uncover long forgotten treasures that lay below the surface


  1. Drag and drop the script into your resources folder

  2. Run the SQL file which will be stored in the root of lubes_lockpicking

  3. Add the script to your server.cfg file

This script is unobfuscated and does not require authorization meaning that there is no extra steps before you can use it. Simply drag and drop it into your resources folder and add it to your server.cfg

Script not being obfuscated doesn't mean that you can redistribute the script

Config file

You may freely edit this file without worries of breaking anything. If you have experience with scripting you could also edit the client and server files for extra customization

Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'en'

Config.Debug = true

-- If all diving activities should be available for players with the `diving` job
Config.diverJobOnly = true

-- If players should receive divin/scuba gear when applying the items
Config.divingClothing = true

-- If diving stores should be available for players
Config.useDivingStores = true

-- If sell locations should ba available for players
Config.useSellLocations = true

Config.divingStores = {
    locations = {
            x = -1093.9,
            y = -1349.3,
            z = 5.0,
    items = {
            item = 'kuz_divinggear',
            label = 'Diving Gear',
            price = 700,
            item = 'kuz_divinggeargood',
            label = 'Scuba gear',
            price = 3000,
    payWithBank = true,

Config.sellLocations = {
        locations = {
                x = -617.39,
                y = -234.76,
                z = 38.05
        name = 'Jeweler',
        showOnMap = true,
        useAccount = 'bank',
        blipIcon = 617,
        blipColor = 46,
        blipScale = 0.8,
        items = {
                item = 'kuz_watch',
                label = 'Expensive watch',
                price = 770,
                item = 'kuz_pearl',
                label = 'Pearl',
                price = 500,
                item = 'kuz_jewelry',
                label = 'Jewelry',
                price = 240,
                item = 'kuz_goldcoin',
                label = 'Golden coin',
                price = 70,
                item = 'kuz_silvercoin',
                label = 'Silver coin',
                price = 25,
        locations = {
                x = -1621.46,
                y = -380.81,
                z = 43.71
                x = -406.8,
                y = 6313.47,
                z = 28.94
        name = 'Coins collector',
        showOnMap = true,
        useAccount = 'money',
        blipIcon = 431,
        blipColor = 46,
        blipScale = 0.8,
        items = {
                item = 'kuz_rarecoin',
                label = 'Rare coin',
                price = 470,
                item = 'kuz_goldcoin',
                label = 'Golden coin',
                price = 120,
                item = 'kuz_silvercoin',
                label = 'Silver coin',
                price = 35,
        locations = {
                x = -1095.78,
                y = 4948.48,
                z = 218.35
        name = 'Weapon parts buyers',
        showOnMap = true,
        useAccount = 'black_money',
        blipIcon = 437,
        blipColor = 64,
        blipScale = 0.7,
        items = {
                item = 'kuz_merryweather',
                label = 'Merryweather parts',
                price = 700,
                item = 'kuz_plasmacutter',
                label = 'Underwater plasma cutter',
                price = 3500,

-- Locations where the items will spawn which then can be picked up by players
Config.lootLocations = {
    paddleBoat = {
        name = "Paddle boat",
        showOnMap = true,
        x = 2688.0,
        y = -1392.0,
        z = -18.0,
        spotsCount = 50,
        radius = 65,
        loot = {
                item = "kuz_goldcoin",
                chance = 32,
                amount_min = 1,
                amount_max = 2,
                item = "kuz_silvercoin",
                chance = 50,
                amount_min = 1,
                amount_max = 3,
                item = "kuz_pearl",
                chance = 9,
                amount_min = 1,
                amount_max = 2,
                item = "kuz_rarecoin",
                chance = 6,
                amount_min = 1,
                amount_max = 3,
                item = "kuz_plasmacutter",
                chance = 3,
                amount_min = 1,
                amount_max = 1,
        models = {
    airliner = {
        name = "Airliner",
        showOnMap = true,
        x = -934.0,
        y = 6670.0,
        z = -27.0,
        spotsCount = 100,
        radius = 130,
        loot = {
                item = "kuz_goldcoin",
                chance = 26,
                amount_min = 1,
                amount_max = 2,
                item = "kuz_silvercoin",
                chance = 34,
                amount_min = 1,
                amount_max = 3,
                item = "kuz_jewelry",
                chance = 20,
                amount_min = 1,
                amount_max = 2,
                item = "kuz_rarecoin",
                chance = 5,
                amount_min = 1,
                amount_max = 3,
                item = "kuz_watch",
                chance = 15,
                amount_min = 1,
                amount_max = 2,
        models = {
    cargoShip = {
        name = "Cargo ship (Illegal)",
        showOnMap = true,
        requireItem = 'kuz_plasmacutter',
        animationDict = 'Scenario',
        animation = 'WORLD_HUMAN_WELDING',
        x = 3168.0,
        y = -316.0,
        z = -11.0,
        spotsCount = 5,
        radius = 80,
        loot = {
                item = "kuz_merryweather",
                chance = 60,
                amount_min = 1,
                amount_max = 2,
        models = {

Last updated