Config = {}
Config.debug = false
Config.esxSettings = {
enabled = true,
-- Whether or not to use the new ESX export method
useNewESXExport = true,
Config.qbSettings = {
enabled = false,
-- Use the input index for the "input" value
Config.keybinds = {
debug = {
label = 'E',
name = 'INPUT_PICKUP',
input = 38,
Config.laser = {
-- Overal maximum render distance for all lasers
maxRenderDistance = 50.0,
-- Laser prop
prop = {
-- Whether to use the laser prop
enabled = true,
-- The prop model
model = 'w_at_sr_supp_2',
-- The prop offset
offset = vector3(-0.022, 0.0, 0.0),
-- The prop rotation offset
rotation = vector3(0.0, 180.0, 0.0),
-- All lasers
-- Please refer to the file to learn more.
lasers = {
['test'] = {
origin = vector3(-924.9017, -2946.101, 13.738),
endPointA = vector3(-920.802, -2949.351, 14.820),
endPointB = vector3(-920.827, -2949.336, 13.322),
color = { r = 0, g = 255, b = 21, a = 200 },
speed = 0.5,
maxLength = 7.0,
damage = 5,
ragdoll = true,
triggers = {
event = 'kq_security:dispatch:client:trigger',
type = 'client',
parameters = {
title = 'Laser tripped!',
message = 'a security laser at the LSIA has been tripped.',
jobs = { 'police' },
['test2'] = {
origin = vector3(-921.998, -2951.743, 14.3),
endPoint = vector3(-926.485, -2948.844, 14.3),
color = { r = 0, g = 255, b = 21, a = 200 },
maxLength = 7.0,
cooldown = 5000,
alarms = { 'lsia' },
['bank'] = {
origin = vector3(250.4, 222.0, 101.48),
endPoint = vector3(254.83, 220.50, 101.48),
color = { r = 255, g = 50, b = 50, a = 200 },
maxLength = 6.0,
alarms = { 'bank', 'bank2' },
cooldown = 5000,
['bank2'] = {
origin = vector3(256.69, 219.04, 103.21),
endPointA = vector3(255.85, 215.09, 100.84),
endPointB = vector3(255.81, 215.10, 102.70),
color = { r = 255, g = 50, b = 50, a = 200 },
maxLength = 6.0,
alarms = { 'bank', 'bank2' },
cooldown = 5000,
['example_handler'] = {
origin = vector3(573.30, -3116.0, 18.6),
endPoint = vector3(573.61, -3119.74, 18.61),
color = { r = 255, g = 50, b = 50, a = 200 },
maxLength = 8.0,
cooldown = 50000,
-- This is an example of a handler which spawns enemies after the laser is triggered
handler = function()
local model = 'csb_mweather'
while not HasModelLoaded(model) do
local ped = CreatePed(0, model, vector3(582.06, -3118.0, 18.7), 90.0, true, false)
GiveWeaponToPed(ped, 'WEAPON_APPISTOL', 60, false, true)
SetPedCombatAbility(ped, 1)
TaskCombatPed(ped, PlayerPedId(), 0, 16)
Config.alarm = {
-- Models for the alarms
models = {
-- prop for alarms that are not enabled
off = 'hei_prop_wall_alarm_off',
-- prop for alarms which are turned on
on = 'hei_prop_wall_alarm_on',
-- All alarms
-- Please refer to the file to learn more.
alarms = {
['lsia'] = {
coords = vector3(-927.49, -2950.59, 16.13),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 60.0),
duration = 55,
sound = true,
light = {
rgb = { 100, 0, 0 },
range = 15.0,
intensity = 5.0,
['bank'] = {
coords = vector3(244.85, 209.00, 107.89),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 170.0),
duration = 90,
sound = true,
light = {
rgb = { 100, 0, 0 },
range = 15.0,
intensity = 5.0,
['bank2'] = {
coords = vector3(249.82, 223.16, 109.44),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 246.0),
duration = 90,
sound = true,
light = {
rgb = { 100, 0, 0 },
range = 15.0,
intensity = 5.0,
['pd'] = {
coords = vector3(452.91, -983.67, 32.20),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 270.0),
duration = 90,
sound = true,
light = {
rgb = { 100, 0, 0 },
range = 15.0,
intensity = 5.0,
Config.controller = {
-- Model for the keypad
model = 'ch_prop_casino_keypad_01',
-- Hacking difficulty
hacking = {
-- amount of games/screens players need to finish to successfully hack a controller
gamesToWin = 2,
-- the time in seconds players get to perform the hack
time = 30,
-- Command used for hacking. Necessary when using a standalone solution
command = {
enabled = true,
command = 'hack',
-- All controllers
-- Please refer to the file to learn more.
controllers = {
['lsia'] = {
coords = vector3(-930.23, -2955.70, 14.2),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 60.0),
lasers = {
hacking = {
hackable = true,
-- Items are only used for ESX or QBCORE.
-- When using command, all controllers can be hacked using the command
hackItems = { 'kq_hacker_usb' },
disableLasers = true,
duration = 10000,
successHandler = function() end,
failureHandler = function() end,
['pd'] = {
coords = vector3(452.91, -981.69, 31.0),
rotation = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 270.0),
hacking = {
hackable = true,
-- Items are only used for ESX or QBCORE.
-- When using command, all controllers can be hacked using the command
hackItems = { 'kq_hacker_usb' },
duration = 10000,
successHandler = function() end,
failureHandler = function()
-- Example of the failure handler triggering an alarm
-- Read the documentation file to learn more
TriggerServerEvent('kq_security:alarm:server:trigger', {
alarms = {'pd'}
Config.dispatch = {
system = 'default', -- Setting for the dispatch system to use ('default' for the built-in system or 'cd-dispatch', 'core-dispatch-old', 'core-dispatch-new' or 'ps-dispatch' for external systems)
globalCooldown = 30, -- The global cooldown in seconds
blip = {
sprite = 788, -- Sprite for the blip
color = 75, -- Color for the blip
scale = 1.0, -- Scale for the blip
timeout = 60, -- Time in seconds for the blip to disappear
showRadar = true, -- Setting to show the radar blip on the radar
Last updated