Config = {}
-- Enabled additional debug prints as well as displays all the possible (automatic) drop zones on the map
Config.debug = false
Config.esxSettings = {
enabled = true,
-- Whether or not to use the new ESX export method
useNewESXExport = true,
Config.qbSettings = {
enabled = false,
--- ITEM
Config.item = {
enabled = true,
flareItemName = 'kq_airdrop_flare',
cooldown = 60, -- time in seconds
drop = {
flare = true,
crates = {
Config.misc = {
-- Time in minutes as how long the loot should remain on the ground for
dropLifetime = 10,
-- Size of the flare/smoke
flareScale = 1.5,
-- How long the smoke should stay for
flareLifetime = 60, -- time in seconds
-- Whether or not to show the planes on the map
planeBlips = true,
-- Whether or not to show the crates on the map
crateBlips = true,
crateBlipsLifetime = 60, -- time in seconds
Config.pickupAnimation = {
duration = 2, -- in seconds
dict = 'mp_take_money_mg',
anim = 'put_cash_into_bag_loop',
flag = 1,
Config.plane = {
-- Model of the plane. We recommend using bigger planes to make them more visible to the players
-- Recommended: titan, streamer216
model = 'titan',
-- Color of the plane
color = { r = 30, g = 40, b = 0 },
-- Velocity of the plane in m/s
-- This only affects the flight speed before the drop is dropped. The plane will always slow down right
-- before dropping the crates
-- Recommended values between 20 and 100. Anything under or over may cause visual issues
flightSpeed = 60.0,
Config.automaticDrop = {
enabled = true,
-- Time in minutes
timeBetweenDrops = 60
-- Drop zones for the automatic drop
-- coords = coordinates of the zone
-- radius = radius of the potential drop zone
-- flare = true/false, whether to spawn the flare when the crates hit the ground
-- crates = type of crates that will be dropped. As defined per Config.types. Any amount can be given. Will drop in the stated order with slight delay between each drop
Config.drops = {
coords = vector3(1929.8, 3332.1, 45.5),
radius = 500.0,
flare = true,
crates = {
coords = vector3(751.41, 3000.0, 50.0),
radius = 500.0,
flare = true,
crates = {
coords = vector3(1430.78, 2044.9, 130.0),
radius = 500.0,
flare = true,
crates = {
coords = vector3(-669.5, 2756.3, 80.0),
radius = 400.0,
flare = true,
crates = {
coords = vector3(-1558.0, 4601.2, 70.0),
radius = 300.0,
flare = true,
crates = {
-- Types of drops
-- amount = amount of the crates it should drop
-- model = model of the crate
-- chunks = little parts which will be spawned upon crate crash
-- loot
-- -- radius = radius of the loot spawn upon crate crashing
-- -- amount = amount of little crates/items that will spawn
-- -- loot - table of different item crates
-- -- -- hash = model of the drop item
-- -- -- items = list of items, amounts and chances
-- -- -- chance = chance of said "loot" to spawn in relation to other loots
-- -- -- textureVariation = texture variation of the prop
-- -- -- minimumDistanceBetween = minimum distance between the props/loot
-- -- -- offset = object offset
-- -- -- animation = animation used for the pickup
-- -- -- labelSingular = label for one of the items
-- -- -- labelPlurar = label for multiple items
-- -- -- collectMessage = message players will to pickup the item
-- -- -- icon = icon used for target systems
Config.types = {
['coke'] = {
amount = 1,
model = 'xm3_prop_xm3_box_pile_tq_01a',
chunks = 'prop_ld_crate_lid_01',
loot = {
-- Radius around which items will spawn from the crashed plane
radius = 5.0,
-- Amount of loot items that will be spawned
amount = 8,
loot = {
hash = 'm23_1_prop_m31_roostercrate_03a',
items = {
item = 'kq_cocaine_brick',
chance = 100,
amount = {
min = 1,
max = 1,
chance = 100,
textureVariation = 0,
minimumDistanceBetween = 1.0,
offset = {
x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0,
animation = Config.pickupAnimation,
labelSingular = 'Cocaine brick',
labelPlurar = 'Cocaine brick',
collectMessage = 'Pickup the cocaine brick',
icon = 'fas fa-box',
['tequila'] = {
amount = 1,
model = 'prop_lev_crate_01',
chunks = 'prop_ld_crate_lid_01',
loot = {
-- Radius around which items will spawn from the crashed plane
radius = 5.0,
-- Amount of loot items that will be spawned
amount = 8,
loot = {
hash = 'xm3_prop_xm3_product_box_01',
items = {
item = 'kq_tequila',
chance = 100,
amount = {
min = 2,
max = 3,
chance = 70,
textureVariation = 0,
minimumDistanceBetween = 1.0,
offset = {
x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0,
animation = Config.pickupAnimation,
labelSingular = 'Tequila box',
labelPlurar = 'Tequila boxes',
collectMessage = 'Pickup the tequila box',
icon = 'fas fa-box',
hash = 'prop_tequila_bottle',
items = {
item = 'kq_tequila',
chance = 100,
amount = {
min = 1,
max = 1,
chance = 30,
textureVariation = 0,
minimumDistanceBetween = 1.0,
offset = {
x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0,
animation = Config.pickupAnimation,
labelSingular = 'Tequila bottle',
labelPlurar = 'Tequila bottle',
collectMessage = 'Pickup the tequila bottle',
icon = 'fas fa-box',
Last updated