Developer docs

General information

kq_lootareas is a script which enables simple creation of areas in which loot can be spawned. Spawned loot is synchronized between players in a custom, reliable and very performant manner. Before mentioned loot can be picked up by players.

Creating loot areas

To create a new area, use the export functions provided with this resource. In this case the function you'll want to call is called CreateArea

CreateArea(areaKey, areaData)


-- in this example case 'areaData' would be filled with all the data of the area you wish to create
exports['kq_lootareas']:CreateArea('my_area_key', areaData)

Area key

As mentioned example the CreateArea takes an "AreaKey" as its first parameter. This will be the key you will need to use to delete or update the area in the future. Try keeping this unique as there can be only one area with the same key. Creating an area with a key which already exists will overwrite it. (Old area will be deleted)

Area data

Area data is everything the script needs to create a working loot area. All possible parameters are listed below.

  • name Name of the loot area (visible in the blips)

  • renderDistance Distance at which the 3d props will be rendered (from the edge of the area) (Higher values recommended for bigger props. Lower values for smaller props)

  • coords A table containing x, y and z values of the center of the area (z should be the high point of the area)

  • radius Radius in which the loot will spawn

  • amount Amount of loot that will be spawned

  • event Event that will be triggered when player picks up a loot (return parameters: player id, area key, prop key, prop object)

  • eventType server/client side on which the event will be triggered on

  • regrowTime Time it will take to regrow/respawn loot after one is picked up (in seconds) (items will respawn in a new random spot)

  • jobs (optional) A table of jobs which are allowed to pickup the items (don't include this to let anyone pick items up)

  • blip (optional) A table containing values listed below

    • blipVisible Whether or not to show the blip on the map

    • areaVisible Whether or not to display the area (radius) on the map

    • icon Blip icon id

    • color Blip color id

    • scale Scale of the blip

  • items A table containing multiple tables containing values listed below

    • item Name of the item that will be given to the player after pickup

    • chance Chance of getting the item after picking it up

    • amount Table containing min and max amount values

  • props Table containing all the information about the 3d props that will be shown as the loot

    • hash 3d model hash

    • textureVariation Texture variation of the model (view

    • chance (optional) Chance of this prop spawning (compared to other props). Don't set this to keep equal odds of spawning for each prop type

    • minimumDistanceBetween The minimum distance between the objects in game

    • offset Offset that will be applied to the object (table containing x, y and z)

    • rotation Custom rotation that will be forced onto all the props (table containing x, y and z)

    • upsideDown Whether or not the prop should be upside down

    • forceZCoordinate Whether or not to force the Z coordinate to be as defined in the location (by default the script will put objects on the ground)

    • items (optional) A table containing multiple tables containing values listed below. If this is not defined on the prop level the global area items list will be used

      • item Name of the item that will be given to the player after pickup

      • chance Chance of getting the item after picking it up

      • amount Table containing min and max amount values

    • animation (optional) Table containing values regarding the animation which will be played while looting

      • duration Animation duration in seconds

      • dict Dict of the animation

      • anim Name of the animation

      • flag Animation flags

    • tool (optional) Table containing information about tool that is going to be spawned for the player such as a pickaxge etc.

      • pos table containing x, y and z offsets

      • rot table containing x, y and z rotations

      • model String model name of the tool

      • bone Player bone to which the tool will be attached

    • labelSingular Singular label of the item name

    • labelPlurar Plural label of the item name

    • collectMessage Message which will be displayed to collect the loot

    • icon (optional) Icon used in targeting systems

    • glow (optional) Table containing values about the items glow

      • rgb Table containing rgb values of the glow color e.g {255, 255, 255}

      • scale Glow scale

      • intensity Glow intensity

    • requiredItems (optional) Table containing information about item(s) that will be required to pick this loot up. If multiple items are given only one from the list will be required

      • items List of items that can be used to collect the item

      • errorMessage Message that will be shown to the player ("You don't have the required tool" e.g.)

      • takeItem Whether or not the item should be taken/consumed after collecting the loot


local newAreaExample = {
    name = 'Poppy field',
    renderDistance = 100.0,
    coords = {
      x = 1528.39, y = 4492.0, z = 54.73
    radius = 14.0,
    amount = 13,
    regrowTime = 10,
    blip = {
      blipVisible = true,
      areaVisible = true,
      icon = 468,
      color = 61,
      scale = 0.9,
    items = {
        item = 'kq_poppy_seeds',
        chance = 90,
        amount = {
          min = 1,
          max = 2,
        item = 'kq_pristine_poppy_seeds',
        chance = 10,
        amount = {
          min = 1,
          max = 2,
    props = {
        hash = 'prop_plant_fern_01b',
        textureVariation = 4,
        minimumDistanceBetween = 1.5,
        offset = {
          x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = -0.3,
        animation = {
          duration = 1,
          dict = 'mp_take_money_mg',
          anim = 'put_cash_into_bag_loop',
          flag = 1,
        labelSingular = 'Poppy seed',
        labelPlurar = 'Poppy seeds',
        collectMessage = 'Collect poppy seeds',
        icon = 'fas fa-seedling',
        glow = {
          rgb = {190, 255, 190},
          scale = 1.75,
          intensity = 0.6,

exports['kq_lootareas']:CreateArea('poppy_field', newAreaExample)

Extra information

If you wish to create a loot area with items that will never respawn simply set the time to a value over 24 hours (86400 or higher). By doing that the script will not add the items to the respawn pool slightly cutting the script resource usage.

To move an area you will need to delete it and create a new area at the new location.

If you wish to have multiple different items which are bound to a specific 3d model you'll need to create multiple loot areas.

Deleting loot areas

To delete a loot area use the DeleteArea function. This function takes just one argument being the area key.



Feature requests

If you're working on a script which implements kq_lootareas and you'd want something to be added feel free to create a feature request on our Discord in the #suggestions channel

Last updated