qs-inventory will work automatically. No changes needed. Simply start this script after qs-inventory (Make sure that your qs-inventory is up to date)
es_extended (default inventory)
This might be a bit different depending on the version of your es_extended. Make sure to look at the surrounding lines of code around the new lines provider in the example
Add the following line to the line 819
table.insert(elements, {label = _U('place'), action = 'kq-place', type = data.current.type, value = data.current.value})
if data.current.usable thentable.insert(elements, {label = _U('use'), action ='use', type = data.current.type, value = data.current.value})endtable.insert(elements, {label = _U('place'), action = 'kq-place', type = data.current.type, value = data.current.value})
if data.current.canRemove thenif player ~=-1and distance <=3.0thentable.insert(elements, {label = _U('give'), action ='give', type = data.current.type, value = data.current.value})end table.insert(elements, {label = _U('remove'), action = 'remove', type = data.current.type, value = data.current.value})
Add the following lines under the line 941 (originally 940)
elseif data1.current.action =='kq-place' then TriggerEvent('kq_materialize:client:hookPlaceItem', item, 1) ESX.UI.Menu.CloseAll()
elseif data1.current.action =='use' then TriggerServerEvent('esx:useItem', item)elseif data1.current.action =='kq-place' then TriggerEvent('kq_materialize:client:hookPlaceItem', item, 1) ESX.UI.Menu.CloseAll()elseif data1.current.action =='return' then ESX.UI.Menu.CloseAll() ESX.ShowInventory()
es_extended/locales/en.lua (or the locale you use)