KuzQuality | Placeable items
Adding "Place" options to your inventory system
qb-inventory (new)
add the following line between lines 194 and 195
Copy < li @click = "placeItem(contextMenuItem)" >Place</ li >
Copy < ul v-if = "showContextMenu" class = "context-menu" :style = "{ top: contextMenuPosition.top, left: contextMenuPosition.left }" >
< li v-if = "contextMenuItem.useable" @click = "useItem(contextMenuItem)" >Use</ li >
< li @click = "placeItem(contextMenuItem)" >Place</ li >
< li @mouseover = "showSubmenu = true" @mouseleave = "showSubmenu = false" >
add the following code between lines 623 and 624
Copy async placeItem (item) {
if ( ! item) {
return ;
const playerItemKey = Object .keys ( this .playerInventory) .find ((key) => this .playerInventory[key] && this .playerInventory[key].slot === item .slot);
if (playerItemKey) {
try {
await axios .post ( "https://kq_placeable_items/HookPlaceItem" , {
item : item .name ,
size : 1 ,
if ( item .shouldClose) {
this .closeInventory ();
} catch (error) {
console .error ( "Error placing the item: " , error);
this .showContextMenu = false ;
} ,
qb-inventory (old)
add the following line between lines 36 and 37
Copy < div class = "inv-option-item" id = "item-kq-place" >< p >PLACE</ p ></ div >
Copy < div class = "inv-options" >
< div class = "inv-options-list" >
< input type = "number" id = "item-amount" class = "inv-option-item" min = 1 max = "10000" placeholder = "Amount" pattern = "[0-9]" onfocus = " this .value = ''" placeholder = "" oninput = " validity .valid || (value = '');" ></ input >
< div class = "inv-option-item" id = "item-use" >< p >USE</ p ></ div >
< div class = "inv-option-item" id = "item-kq-place" >< p >PLACE</ p ></ div >
< div class = "inv-option-item" id = "item-give" >< p >GIVE</ p ></ div >
< div class = "inv-option-item" id = "inv-close" >< p >CLOSE</ p ></ div >
</ div >
</ div >
At the very of the file. Add the following
Copy $ ( "#item-kq-place" ) .droppable ({
hoverClass : "button-hover" ,
drop : function (event , ui) {
setTimeout ( function () {
IsDragging = false ;
} , 300 );
formData = ui . draggable .data ( "item" );
$ .post (
"https://kq_placeable_items/HookPlaceItem" ,
JSON .stringify ({
item : formData .name ,
size : formData .amount || 1 ,
Inventory .Close ();
} ,
add the following line between lines 63 and 64
Copy < div class = "inv-option-item" id = "item-place" >< p >Place</ p ></ div >
Copy < div class = "inv-option-item" id = "item-give" >< p >Give</ p ></ div >
< div class = "inv-option-item" id = "item-place" >< p >Place</ p ></ div >
< div class = "combine-option-container" >
< div class = "btn-combine CombineItem" >< p >Combine</ p ></ div >
< div class = "btn-combine SwitchItem" >< p >Switch</ p ></ div > -->
</ div >
At the very of the file. Add the following
$ ( "#item-place" ) .droppable ({
hoverClass : "button-hover" ,
drop : function (event , ui) {
setTimeout ( function () {
IsDragging = false ;
} , 300 );
console .log ( 'on drop placement' );
fromData = ui . draggable .data ( "item" );
amount = $ ( "#item-amount" ) .val ();
console .log (amount , fromData .name , JSON .stringify (fromData));
if (amount == 0 ) {
amount = fromData .amount;
$ .post (
"https://kq_placeable_items/HookPlaceItem" ,
JSON .stringify ({
item : fromData .name ,
size : parseInt (amount) ,
} ,
qs-inventory (Quasar) (Only v2)
qs-inventory will work automatically. No changes needed. Simply start this script after qs-inventory (Make sure that your qs-inventory is up to date)
If you are using the v3 version. It is not possible for us to add an integration. You will need to contact Quasar
es_extended (default inventory)
This might be a bit different depending on the version of your es_extended. Make sure to look at the surrounding lines of code around the new lines provider in the example
Add the following line to the line 819
Copy table.insert (elements, {label = _U ( 'place' ), action = 'kq-place' , type = data.current.type, value = data.current.value})
Copy if data.current.usable then
table.insert (elements, {label = _U ( 'use' ), action = 'use' , type = data.current.type, value = data.current.value})
table.insert (elements, {label = _U ( 'place' ), action = 'kq-place' , type = data.current.type, value = data.current.value})
if data.current.canRemove then
if player ~= - 1 and distance <= 3.0 then
table.insert (elements, {label = _U ( 'give' ), action = 'give' , type = data.current.type, value = data.current.value})
table.insert (elements, {label = _U ( 'remove' ), action = 'remove' , type = data.current.type, value = data.current.value})
Add the following lines under the line 941 (originally 940)
Copy elseif data1.current.action == 'kq-place' then
TriggerEvent ( 'kq_materialize:client:hookPlaceItem' , item, 1 )
ESX.UI.Menu. CloseAll ()
Copy elseif data1.current.action == 'use' then
TriggerServerEvent ( 'esx:useItem' , item)
elseif data1.current.action == 'kq-place' then
TriggerEvent ( 'kq_materialize:client:hookPlaceItem' , item, 1 )
ESX.UI.Menu. CloseAll ()
elseif data1.current.action == 'return' then
ESX.UI.Menu. CloseAll ()
ESX. ShowInventory ()
(or the locale you use)
Add the following to line to your locale
Add the following code at the bottom of the file
Copy $ ( "#item-place" ) .droppable ({
hoverClass : "button-hover" ,
drop : function (event , ui) {
setTimeout ( function () {
IsDragging = false ;
} , 300 );
fromData = ui . draggable .data ( "item" );
fromInventory = ui . draggable .parent () .attr ( "data-inventory" );
amount = $ ( "#item-amount" ) .val ();
if (amount == 0 ) {
amount = fromData .amount;
$ .post (
"https://kq_placeable_items/HookPlaceItem" ,
JSON .stringify ({
item : fromData .name ,
size : parseInt (amount) ,
} ,
Add the following line between lines 63 and 64 (Under the "item-give" element)
Copy < div class = "inv-option-item" id = "item-place" >< p >Place</ p ></ div >
Add the following line between line 34 and 35
Copy < div class = "control" id = "kq-place" >Place</ div >
Copy < div class = "controls-div" >
< input type = "number" class = "control" id = "count" value = "1" >
< div class = "control" id = "use" ></ div >
< div class = "control" id = "kq-place" >Place</ div >
< div class = "control" id = "give" ></ div >
< div class = "control" id = "drop" ></ div >
</ div >
Add the following on the line 259
Copy $ ( '#kq-place' ) .droppable ({
hoverClass : 'hoverControl' ,
drop : function (event , ui) {
itemData = ui . draggable .data ( "item" );
if (itemData == undefined ) {
return ;
itemInventory = ui . draggable .data ( "inventory" );
if (itemInventory == undefined || itemInventory == "second" ) {
return ;
closeInventory ();
$ .post ( "https://kq_placeable_items/HookPlaceItem" , JSON .stringify ({
item : itemData .name ,
size : itemData .amount || 1 ,