
Config = {}

Config.debug = false

--- If using a standalone solution, keep both frameworks disabled.

Config.esxSettings = {
    enabled = true,
    -- Whether or not to use the new ESX export method
    useNewESXExport = true

Config.qbSettings = {
    enabled = false,

-- Outfitbag command settings
Config.command = {
    enabled = true,
    command = 'outfitbag',
    shortCommand = 'ob'

Config.sql = {
    driver = 'oxmysql', -- oxmysql or ghmattimysql or mysql
    -- If you're using an older version of oxmysql set this to false
    newOxMysql = true,
} = {
    enabled = false,
    system = 'ox_target' -- 'qtarget' or 'qb-target' or 'ox_target' (Other systems might work as well)

-- Here you can set the accent colors of the UI
Config.theme = {
    colors = {
        -- Used for the preview border and hover on buttons
        primary = {
            r = 178,
            g = 244,
            b = 0,
        -- Used for the secondary hover color on buttons
        secondary = {
            r = 168,
            g = 242,
            b = 63,

-- Name of the item which will be usable as the bag
Config.bagItem = 'kq_outfitbag'

-- If you want to have different kind of bags you can add them here (These will have separate inventories)
-- Make sure to add the item to your database / file
Config.additionalItems = {

Config.additionalItems = {


-- Maxmimum amount of outfits that people can save per bag
Config.maxOutfits = 50

-- Whether or not to allow players to share their outfits
Config.allowBagSharing = true

-- The 3d object of the bag
Config.bagObject = 'reh_prop_reh_bag_outfit_01a'

-- Whether or not to delete the previous bag if player is placing a new one on the ground
Config.onlyAllowOneBagOnGround = true

-- Automatic bag despawning system
Config.bagDespawning = {
    enabled = true,
    time = 15, -- time in minutes

-- Whether to save outfits using an external system (this will make players keep their outfit upon relog when using a specialized outfit resource)
Config.clothingSystemSaving = {
    enabled = false,
    system = 'illenium-appearance',
    -- Available systems:
    -- illenium-appearance
    -- fivem-appearance
    -- qb-clothing
    -- codem-appearance
    -- To add your custom system; you can do this in the client/editable/editable.lua file within the OnPlayerApplyOutfit function

-- The idle animation when using or picking up a bag
Config.bagAnimation = {
    enabled = true,
    dict = 'amb@medic@standing@tendtodead@idle_a',
    anim = 'idle_a',

-- Animations played when changing outfits per body part
Config.outfitChangeAnimation = {
    head = {
        duration = 2000,
        dict = 'mp_cp_stolen_tut',
        anim = 'b_think',
    top = {
        duration = 4000,
        dict = 'mp_safehouseshower@male@',
        anim = 'male_shower_towel_dry_to_get_dressed',
    bottom = {
        duration = 4000,
        dict = 'clothingshoes',
        anim = 'try_shoes_positive_d',

-- Animations which will be performed by the preview character when previewing a new outfit
Config.preview = {
    enabled = true,
    animations = {
        {'clothingshirt', 'check_out_c'},
        {'clothingshirt', 'try_shirt_positive_a'},
        {'random@getawaydriver', 'gesture_nod_yes_soft'},
        {'clothingshirt', 'try_shirt_neutral_a'},
        {'clothingshoes', 'try_shoes_positive_d'},
        {'clothingshirt', 'try_shirt_neutral_b'},

-- Keybinds. Only when not using targeting
Config.keybinds = {
    pickup = {
        label = 'G',
        input = 58,
    open = {
        label = 'E',
        input = 38,

-- Here you can easily add new outfits for static bags and bags using exports.
-- When debug mode is enabled you may use the /outfit-output [name] - command. This will output a file
-- into the outfit-outputs directory. You can open the newly created text file. Copy and paste the outfit here into the
-- bag you wish to add the outfit to.
Config.fixedBags = {
    ['gang'] = {
        bags = {
            locations = {
                vector4(87.44, -1963.54, 20.74, 50.0),
        outfits = {
                name = "Example",
                model = 1885233650,
                drawable = {
                    tops = { drawable = 171, texture = 1, palette = 0 },
                    bag = { drawable = 45, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    undershirt = { drawable = 15, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    torso = { drawable = 4, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    chest = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    accessory = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    decals = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    mask = { drawable = 54, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    legs = { drawable = 31, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    feet = { drawable = 25, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                props = {
                    helmet = { prop = -1, texture = -1 },
                    glasses = { prop = 0, texture = 0 },
                    ear = { prop = 0, texture = 0 },
    ['police'] = {
        bags = {
            jobs = {
            locations = {
                vector4(458.98, -992.28, 30.68, 63.0),
        outfits = {
                name = "Male Officer",
                model = 1885233650,
                drawable = {
                    torso = { drawable = 19, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    feet = { drawable = 51, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    accessory = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    chest = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    decals = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 2 },
                    bag = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    tops = { drawable = 55, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    undershirt = { drawable = 58, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    legs = { drawable = 24, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    mask = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                props = {
                    ear = { prop = 0, texture = 0 },
                    glasses = { prop = -1, texture = -1 },
                    helmet = { prop = -1, texture = -1 },
                name = "Male Bulletproof",
                model = 1885233650,
                drawable = {
                    mask = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    chest = { drawable = 11, texture = 1, palette = 0 },
                    bag = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    undershirt = { drawable = 58, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    tops = { drawable = 55, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    torso = { drawable = 41, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    accessory = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    feet = { drawable = 25, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    legs = { drawable = 25, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    decals = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                props = {
                    ear = { prop = 2, texture = 0 },
                    helmet = { prop = -1, texture = -1 },
                    glasses = { prop = 0, texture = 0 },
                name = "Male Trooper",
                model = 1885233650,
                drawable = {
                    torso = { drawable = 20, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    feet = { drawable = 51, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    accessory = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    chest = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    decals = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 2 },
                    bag = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    tops = { drawable = 317, texture = 3, palette = 0 },
                    undershirt = { drawable = 58, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    legs = { drawable = 24, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    mask = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                props = {
                    ear = { prop = 0, texture = 0 },
                    glasses = { prop = -1, texture = -1 },
                    helmet = { prop = 58, texture = 0 },
                name = "Female officer",
                model = -1667301416,
                drawable = {
                    chest = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    decals = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    torso = { drawable = 44, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    bag = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    mask = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    undershirt = { drawable = 35, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    legs = { drawable = 34, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    tops = { drawable = 48, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    accessory = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    feet = { drawable = 27, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                props = {
                    ear = { prop = 2, texture = 0 },
                    glasses = { prop = -1, texture = -1 },
                    helmet = { prop = -1, texture = -1 },
                name = "Female Bulletproof",
                model = -1667301416,
                drawable = {
                    feet = { drawable = 27, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    torso = { drawable = 44, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    legs = { drawable = 34, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    mask = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    tops = { drawable = 48, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    accessory = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    chest = { drawable = 13, texture = 1, palette = 0 },
                    decals = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    bag = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    undershirt = { drawable = 35, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                props = {
                    helmet = { prop = -1, texture = -1 },
                    ear = { prop = 2, texture = 0 },
                    glasses = { prop = -1, texture = -1 },
                name = "Female Trooper",
                model = -1667301416,
                drawable = {
                    chest = { drawable = 34, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    decals = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    torso = { drawable = 31, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    bag = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    mask = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    undershirt = { drawable = 35, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    legs = { drawable = 133, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    tops = { drawable = 327, texture = 3, palette = 0 },
                    accessory = { drawable = 0, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                    feet = { drawable = 52, texture = 0, palette = 0 },
                props = {
                    ear = { prop = 2, texture = 0 },
                    glasses = { prop = -1, texture = -1 },
                    helmet = { prop = -1, texture = -1 },

Last updated