Frequently asked questions
Here you will find many answers for common questions regarding our FiveM Scripts
Last updated
Here you will find many answers for common questions regarding our FiveM Scripts
Last updated
I purchased an asset, where can I download it?
You should receive an email including a download link from Tebex within few minutes after your purchase.
Alternatively you can download it from the keymaster
How do I import an SQL file?
You will need to use either phpmyadmin or a commonly used sql client "HeidiSQL"
Import guide using HeidiSQL
Make sure to import the file into the correct database.
I haven't received my Discord roles, how do I get them?
If you weren't in this Discord server at the time of purchase it might take up to couple hours before you receive your Discord roles. If you still haven't received your Discord roles after 6 hours feel free to open a support ticket